Sorry, this site has been disabled because of scumbag spammers.

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College life (as well as young bachelor life) is tough enough without having to worry about nutrition. Work, school, partying, and video games take up much of our daylight (and nightime) hours, and many of us find ourselves up a wall with this whole 'food' thing. That's what the CollegeCooking Wiki is here for. Feel free to share any bits of wisdom or recipes for ramen learned from Monks in the Himalayas (or, more realistically, WalMart). Food is a tricky business. Share the wealth.

The Cookbook

Recipes | Articles | Resources


A note to readers:

This site used to hold some promise, once. However, as a result of my complete lack of time to maintain the site (eg. remove spam as it appears), I've been forced to take it down completely. Because of spam.

Next time I have a good block of free-time, I'll redevelop this site into something that isn't based on mediawiki, and is much more spam-resistant. It sucks when these mindless spamming jerks completely destroy undermaintained sites such as this, but thats the internet for you.

This is nearly all spam:

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